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Low Calorie Burrito Bowl Chipotle

Chipotle is a popular fast-food restaurant chain known for its delicious burritos, bowls, and tacos. While these menu items are undeniably tasty, they can also be high in calories and sodium, making them not the best option for those watching their weight or health. However, with some simple modifications, you can still enjoy the flavors of Chipotle while keeping the calories and sodium levels in check. In this article, we will share with you some tips and tricks to create a low-calorie burrito bowl at Chipotle that is both healthy and satisfying.

Choose Your Base Wisely

The first step in creating a low-calorie burrito bowl is to choose your base wisely. Instead of going for the traditional rice and beans, opt for a bed of lettuce or mixed greens. Not only do these options provide fewer calories, but they are also packed with nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Additionally, greens have a high water content, which can help you feel fuller for longer.


Load Up on Veggies

The beauty of Chipotle is that you can customize your bowl to your liking. Take advantage of this by loading up on veggies. Choose options like grilled peppers and onions, fajita veggies, corn salsa, and fresh tomato salsa. These options add flavor, color, and texture to your bowl while providing essential vitamins and minerals. Moreover, veggies are low in calories and high in fiber, making them a great addition to your low-calorie burrito bowl.


Go Easy on Meat and Cheese

The protein and cheese in Chipotle bowls are where the majority of the calories come from. If you're looking to keep your bowl low in calories, it's essential to go easy on these toppings. Instead of getting a full serving of meat, opt for half or even a quarter portion. Choose lean protein options like chicken or steak instead of higher calorie options like carnitas or barbacoa. Additionally, limit your cheese intake to a sprinkle or two, or skip it altogether.

Grilled Chicken

Watch Your Dressing and Topping Choices

The dressing and topping choices can make or break the calorie count in your burrito bowl. While options like sour cream, queso, and guacamole are undoubtedly delicious, they are also high in calories and fat. Instead, choose healthier options like pico de gallo, salsa verde, or even some fresh lime juice. These options still provide flavor and color to your bowl without adding too many calories.

Healthy Salsa


Creating a low-calorie burrito bowl at Chipotle is easier than you think. By choosing your base wisely, loading up on veggies, going easy on meat and cheese, and watching your dressing and topping choices, you can enjoy a delicious and healthy meal that won't derail your diet. Remember, the key is to customize your bowl to your liking while keeping the overall calorie count in mind. With these tips and tricks, you can indulge in the flavors of Chipotle while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Related video of Low Calorie Burrito Bowl Chipotle: A Flavorful and Healthy Option