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Cancion De Mi Burrito Sabanero En Ingles

Cancion De Mi Burrito Sabanero En Ingles

The Christmas season is a time of joy and celebration, and what better way to spread the holiday spirit than with a fun and festive song? The Cancion De Mi Burrito Sabanero, originally in Spanish, has become a popular Christmas song for both Spanish and English-speaking cultures. In this article, we’ll dive into the history and meaning of the song, as well as provide an English translation of the lyrics.

The History and Meaning of Cancion De Mi Burrito Sabanero

Cancion De Mi Burrito Sabanero History

Cancion De Mi Burrito Sabanero, also known as El Burrito De Belen, was written in the 1970s by Venezuelan composer and singer, Hugo Blanco. The song tells the story of a young shepherd traveling on his little donkey, or burrito, to Bethlehem to see the baby Jesus. The song is set in the savannah or “sabana” region of Venezuela, which is why the burrito is referred to as a “sabanero” burrito.

The song is traditionally sung during the Christmas season in Venezuela, Colombia, and other Latin American countries. It has become a popular song in both Spanish and English-speaking cultures, with many English versions of the song being created over the years.

The English Translation of Cancion De Mi Burrito Sabanero

Cancion De Mi Burrito Sabanero Lyrics

Here is an English translation of the lyrics to Cancion De Mi Burrito Sabanero:

With my little burrito I’m going to Bethlehem,

If Mary and Joseph ask, I will tell them,

I am a little shepherd from the savannah,

I bring a present for the baby who was born.


Ai, ai, ai, let’s go on the road,

Ai, ai, ai, let’s go on the road,

If my burrito could talk,

This is what he would say:

With your tambourine and with your songs,

We’ll go through the fields singing and playing,

To see the child who is sleeping in Bethlehem,

We’ll bring him a present with love and affection.


Ai, ai, ai, let’s go on the road,

Ai, ai, ai, let’s go on the road,

If my burrito could talk,

This is what he would say:

We’ll sing our song with joy and pleasure,

We’ll wake up the child who is sleeping,

Rise up, little shepherd,

Let’s go see the baby who was born.


Ai, ai, ai, let’s go on the road,

Ai, ai, ai, let’s go on the road,

If my burrito could talk,

This is what he would say:

How to Celebrate Christmas with Cancion De Mi Burrito Sabanero

Cancion De Mi Burrito Sabanero Celebration

Cancion De Mi Burrito Sabanero is a fun and upbeat song that can add a festive touch to any Christmas celebration. Here are some ways to incorporate the song into your holiday festivities:

  • Play the song during a family gathering or Christmas party
  • Sing the song as a group during a caroling outing
  • Use the song as inspiration for a Christmas craft or decoration

However you choose to celebrate, Cancion De Mi Burrito Sabanero is sure to add some extra cheer to your holiday season.


Cancion De Mi Burrito Sabanero is a beloved Christmas song that has been enjoyed by both Spanish and English-speaking cultures for decades. Its festive lyrics and upbeat melody make it the perfect addition to any holiday celebration. Whether you choose to sing it, listen to it, or incorporate it into your holiday decor, Cancion De Mi Burrito Sabanero is sure to lift your spirits and spread the joy of the season.

Related video of Cancion De Mi Burrito Sabanero En Ingles: A Fun and Festive Christmas Song