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Steak Nacho Fries Burrito Calories

Steak Nacho Fries Burrito

Do you love burritos, but also have a hankering for nachos? Look no further than a steak nacho fries burrito. But before you sink your teeth into this seemingly delicious concoction, let's take a closer look at its nutritional value and calorie count.

What is a Steak Nacho Fries Burrito?


A steak nacho fries burrito is a popular fast food item that typically consists of a warm tortilla wrapped around seasoned steak, nacho cheese, crispy French fries and topped with pico de gallo, sour cream, and guacamole. This burrito is marketed as a meal in itself and is often ordered with a side of chips and salsa or a soft drink.

Calories and Nutritional Value

Nutritious Food

While the thought of indulging in a steak nacho fries burrito may sound heavenly, you may want to think twice before taking that first bite. A typical steak nacho fries burrito can contain up to 1,500 calories, which equals a significant amount of your daily calorie intake. Additionally, this burrito is high in saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol, making it an unhealthy option for anyone looking to maintain a balanced diet.

Calorie Breakdown

Calorie Breakdown

Let's take a closer look at the calorie breakdown of a typical steak nacho fries burrito. A single burrito can contain up to:

  • 940 calories from the steak and cheese
  • 320 calories from the fries
  • 50 calories from the pico de gallo
  • 60 calories from the sour cream
  • 150 calories from the guacamole
This adds up to a whopping 1,520 calories for just one meal. Additionally, the burrito contains around 84 grams of carbohydrates, 90 grams of fat, and 2,490 milligrams of sodium, all of which are far more than the recommended daily intake for a healthy adult.

Should You Eat a Steak Nacho Fries Burrito?


While a steak nacho fries burrito may satisfy your cravings, it's important to consider your health and nutritional needs before indulging in such a high-calorie meal. Eating a burrito of this size and caliber frequently can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, and other health issues. In moderation, this burrito can make for a delicious treat, but it's crucial to balance it out with healthy food choices throughout the day.

Healthy Alternatives

Healthy Food

If you're craving something savory and satisfying, there are plenty of healthy alternatives to a steak nacho fries burrito. For instance, you can try a veggie burrito with black beans, vegetables, and avocado for added nutrition. You can also opt for a grilled chicken burrito or a rice and bean bowl. These options are lower in calories and fat, making them a healthier choice for anyone looking to maintain a balanced diet.



In summary, the steak nacho fries burrito may sound like a mouthwatering treat, but it's important to consider its nutritional value and calorie count before indulging. While it's okay to enjoy this burrito as an occasional treat, it shouldn't be a regular part of your diet. Instead, opt for healthier alternatives that are better for your overall health and fitness goals. Remember, everything is good in moderation, so enjoy that steak nacho fries burrito sparingly and balance it out with other healthy food choices to maintain a balanced diet.

Related video of Steak Nacho Fries Burrito Calories: Are They Worth It?